Llys Glyncoed comprises of 41 apartments, 35 of which are 2-bedroomed, the remainder are 1-bedroomed. Facilities include communal space for social activities, a shop, hairdressing salon, library and assisted bathing facilities.

Working for Linc-Cymru Housing Association, Jubb provided input on transport, highways, drainage and structural design.  In common with many South Wales Valleys and across the South West the site is over old mine workings and the structural solution responded to these challenges with grouting prior to the creation of a raft foundation solution.

The project’s first phase provided for 41 flats that enabled older people to live in their own homes and maintain their independence with dignity in a safe and secure environment. This still allowed for care to be close to hand and the buildings facilities incorporated many features reflecting the demands of an elderly population and the associated health requirements.